I am Behavioural Science Fellow working with the Impact Canada team and the Public Health Agency of Canada's Behavioural Science Office. I hold a PhD in Experimental Psychology (focus on Cognitive Psychology) from McGill University.
To connect, don't hesitate to contact me.
Recent Media
Psychology Today. Images of Thin Models May Be Distorting Our Sense of Reality. [Article]. New research suggests a basic cognitive mechanism underlies the normalization of thin female bodies.[Post].
Under the Cortex. Underweight and Overexposed: How Women’s Perceptions of Thinness Are Distorted. [Podcast].
In Press
Bogdanov, M., Bustamante, L.M., Devine, S., Sheldon, S., Otto, A.R. (in press) Non-invasive brain stimulation over the Frontopolar Cortex promotes willingness to exert cognitive effort in a foraging-like sequential choice task. The Journal of Neuroscience.
Under Review
Bogdanov, M.†, Devine, S.†, Fu, Z., Wang, E., & Otto, A.R. (under review). Throwing good effort after bad: Evidence for a sunk-cost effect in cognitive effort-based decision-making. Cognition. [Preprint]. [Data + Code].
Devine, S., James Goulding, John Harvey, Anya Skatova† & A. Ross Otto†. (under review).
Decoy Effects in the Wild: Evidence for (and Constraints on) Attraction Effects in Real-World Consumer Choices.
npj: Science of Learning.
Brown, C.S., Devine, S., A. R. Otto, Bischoff-Grethe, A., & Wierenga, C. E. (under review). Greater reliance on model-free learning in adolescent anorexia nervosa: An examination of dual-system reinforcement learning. Translational Psychiatry.
Devine, S., Falk, C. F., & Fujimoto, K. A. (under review). Comparing the Accuracy of Three Predictive Information Criteria for Bayesian Linear Multilevel Model Selection. Psychological Methods.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Dong, D., Sellier, M., Roy, M., & Otto, A.R. (2025). Increased Attention Towards Progress Information Near a Goal State. Psychonomic, Bulletin, & Review.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S.†, Germain, N.†, Kasprzyk, A., Eppinger, B. (2024). Changes in The Prevalence of Muscular, but Not Thin Bodies, Bias Young Men’s Judgments About Body Size. Psychology of Men Masculinities.
[Data + Code].
Lind, M. N., Byrne, M. L., Devine, S., & Allen, N. B. (2024). Smile, You’re on Camera: Investigating the Relationship between Selfie Smiles and Distress. Journal of Trial and Error.
Devine, S., Roy, M., Beierholm, U., Otto, A.R. (2024). Proximity to Rewards Modulates Parameters of Effortful Control Exertion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Otto, A. R., Uanhoro, J. O., & Flake, J. K. (2024).
Approaches for Quantifying the ICC in Multilevel Logistic Models: A Didactic Demonstration.
Collabra: Psychology.
Devine, S., da Silva Castanheira, K., Fleming, S. M., & Otto, A. R. (2024). Distinguishing between Intrinsic and Instrumental Sources of the Value of Choice. Cognition, 254.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Vassena, E., & Otto, A. R. (2023). More than a Feeling: Physiological Measures of Affect Index the Integration of Effort Costs and Rewards During Effortful Decision-Making. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.[Data + Code].
Otto, A.R, Devine, S., Bornstein, A.M., Louie, K (2022).
Context-dependent choice and evaluation in real-world consumer behavior.
Scientific Reports, 12, 17744.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Neumann, C., Levari, D., Eppinger, B. (2022).
Human Ageing is Associated with More Rigid Concept Spaces.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Germaine, N., Elrich, S., & Eppinger, B.
Changes in The Prevalence Of Thin Bodies Biases Young Women's Judgements about Body Size. (2022).
Psychological Science.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S. & Otto, A.R. (2022).
Information about task progress modulates cognitive demand avoidance.
Cognition (255). 105107.
[Data + Code].
Devine, S., Neumann, C., Otto, A.R., Bolenz, F., Reiter, A., Eppinger, B. (2021).
Seizing the opportunity: Lifespan differences in the effects of the opportunity cost of time on cognitive control,
Cognition (216).
Ruel, A., Devine, S., & Eppinger, B. (2021).
Resource-rational approach to meta-control problems across the lifespan.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Review of Cognitive Science, e1556.
Devine, S., Bautista Perpinya, M., Delrue, V., Gaillard, S., Jorna, T. F. K.,
Meer, M. van der, Millett, L., Pozzebon, C., Visser, J. (2020).
Science Fails. Let’s Publish.
Journal of Trial and Error, 1(1).
(February, 2024). Introduction to Reinforcement Learning. Presented to cognition labs at Rabound University, Nijmegen.
(February, 2024). Introduction to Hiearchical Drift Diffusion Modeling. Presented to cognition labs at Rabound University, Nijmegen.
(January, 2024). Bayesian Statistics for A/B Tests. Presented to UX analysts at Intact Insurance.
(June, 2023). Introduction to Bayesian Statistics. Presented to marketing analysts at Intact Insurance.
(Nov-Dec, 2022). Introduction to Data Science. Series presented to students from McGill University.
(March, 2022). Introduction to Bayesian statistics for Psychologists. Presented to students from Concordia University.
(October, 2021). Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Psychological Models. Presented to students from Concordia University, McGill University, and TU Dresden.
(June-July 2021). Multilevel Modeling: Basic and Advanced Topics. Presented to students from Concordia University, McGill University, and TU Dresden.
(April 2020). Programming Experiments Online Using jsPsych. Presented to Concordia University and TU Dresden Cognition Labs.
(April 2020). Python for Psychologists. Presented to Concordia University students.
(October 2019). Designing Psychological Experiments Using PsychoPy. Presented to Concordia University Students.
Fun facts
- I have a cat named Neil who I love very much, pictured at the top of the page, visible to the eye, but apparently not the poorly optimized model.
- I once told the same joke, every day, for 365 days, in a row, on the internet.
You found the secret link! Check out this song I like right now:
Song last updated: 2024-08-30